Bern-Neuchatel train
Nikolay, welcome to Neuchatel
Nikolay and Kean, first meeting
Vilga and Kean, before lunch
Kean and Nikolay, discussing

Nikolay and Vilga
Kean and local wine
Lake and mountains
Nikolay and Kean after discussion
Nikolay and Kean in coffee room

Vilga and Kean
Vilga, Camel and Nikolay
Door is open
Kean and Nikolay
Nikolay and Autodesk

Vilga and Autodesk
Nikolay and Kean in the town
Kean and Vilga
Zephyr, Kean's son (Sep 20)
Nikolay by lake

Vilga and lake
Neuchatel view

Fountain Policewomen Station view Lake and sails Inside station