NP CAD Page || Book || Chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 || Russian

Chapter 1. AutoLISP and Visual LISP Languages

1.1. LISP Interpreter
1.1.1. Evaluating Expressions
1.1.2. Setq Function and Display Accuracy
1.1.3. Commentaries
1.2. Symbols
1.2.1. Data Types
1.2.2. Predefined Symbols
1.2.3. Variables
1.2.4. Load Function
1.2.5. Vl-load-all Function
1.3. Executing AutoCAD Commands
1.3.1. Command Function
1.3.2. Vl-cmdf Function
1.4. Arithmetic Functions
1.4.1. + Function
1.4.2. - Function
1.4.3. * Function
1.4.4. / Function
1.4.5. 1+ Function
1.4.6. 1- Function
1.4.7. ~ Function
1.4.8. Abs Function
1.5. Logical Functions
1.5.1. = Function
1.5.2. /= Function
1.5.3. < Function
1.5.4. <= Function
1.5.5. > Function
1.5.6. >= Function
1.5.7. And Function
1.5.8. Or Function
1.5.9. Not Function
1.5.10. Null Function
1.5.11. If Function
1.5.12. Progn Function
1.5.13. Cond Function
1.5.14. Minusp Function
1.5.15. Zerop Function
1.5.16. Numberp Function
1.5.17. Listp Function
1.5.18. Vl-consp Function
1.5.19. Atom Function
1.5.20. Vl-symbolp Function
1.5.21. Boundp Function
1.5.22. Eq Function
1.5.23. Equal Function
1.5.24. While Function
1.5.25. Repeat Function
1.6. Calculation Functions
1.6.1. Fix Function
1.6.2. Rem Function
1.6.3. Max Function
1.6.4. Min Function
1.6.5. Gcd Function
1.6.6. Angle Function
1.6.7. Distance Function
1.6.8. Sqrt Function
1.6.9. Sin Function
1.6.10. Cos Function
1.6.11. Atan Function
1.6.12. Exp Function
1.6.13. Expt Function
1.6.14. Log Function
1.6.15. Logand Function
1.6.16. Logior Function
1.6.17. Lsh Function
1.6.18. Boole Function
1.6.19. Inters Function
1.6.20. Polar Function
1.6.21. Textbox Function
1.6.22. Vports Function
1.6.23. Vl-symbol-value Function
1.6.24. Set Function
1.7. Conversion Functions
1.7.1. Type Function
1.7.2. Float Function
1.7.3. Itoa Function
1.7.4. Rtos Function
1.7.5. Atoi Function
1.7.6. Atof Function
1.7.7. Angtof Function
1.7.8. Angtos Function
1.7.9. Distof Function
1.7.10. Trans Function
1.7.11. Cvunit Function
1.7.12. Invalid Type Message
1.8. String Functions
1.8.1. Chr Function
1.8.2. Ascii Function
1.8.3. Read Function
1.8.4. Strcase Function
1.8.5. Strcat Function
1.8.6. Strlen Function
1.8.7. Substr Function
1.8.8. Wcmatch Function
1.8.9. Vl-string->list Function
1.8.10. Vl-list->string Function
1.8.11. Vl-string-elt Function
1.8.12. Vl-string-left-trim Function
1.8.13. Vl-string-right-trim Function
1.8.14. Vl-string-trim Function
1.8.15. Vl-string-mismatch Function
1.8.16. Vl-string-position Function
1.8.17. Vl-string-search Function
1.8.18. Vl-list-subst Function
1.8.19. Vl-list-translate Function
1.8.20. Vl-symbol-name Function
1.9. List and Dotted Pair Functions
1.9.1. List Function
1.9.2. Append Function
1.9.3. Nth Function
1.9.4. Reverse Function
1.9.5. Car Function
1.9.6. Cdr Function
1.9.7. Caar, cadr and Similar Functions
1.9.8. Cons Function
1.9.9. Vl-list* Function
1.9.10. Member Function
1.9.11. Assoc Function
1.9.12. Apply Function
1.9.13. Mapcar Function
1.9.14. Vl-every Function
1.9.15. Foreach Function
1.9.16. Eval Function
1.9.17. Quote Function
1.9.18. Acad_strlsort Function
1.9.19. Last Function
1.9.20. Subst Function
1.9.21. Length Function
1.9.22. Vl-list-length Function
1.9.23. Vl-member-if Function
1.9.24. Vl-member-if-not Function
1.9.25. Vl-position Function
1.9.26. Vl-remove Function
1.9.27. Vl-remove-if Function
1.9.28. Vl-remove-if-not Function
1.9.29. Vl-some Function
1.9.30. Vl-sort Function
1.9.31. Vl-sort-i Function
1.9.32. Vl-catch-all-apply Function and Error Handling
1.9.33. Vl-catch-all-error-message Function
1.9.34. Vl-catch-all-error-p Function
1.10. Input and Selection Functions
1.10.1. Initget Function
1.10.2. Getkword Function
1.10.3. Getint Function
1.10.4. Getreal Function
1.10.5. Getdist Function
1.10.6. Getangle Function
1.10.7. Getorient Function
1.10.8. Getpoint Function
1.10.9. Getcorner Function
1.10.10. Getstring Function
1.10.11. Getvar Function
1.10.12. Setvar Function
1.10.13. Getenv Function
1.10.14. Setenv Function
1.10.15. Getcfg Function
1.10.16. Setcfg Function
1.10.17. Getcname Function
1.10.18. Getfiled Function
1.10.19. Acad_colordlg Function
1.10.20. Acad_truecolordlg Function
1.10.21. Acad_truecolorcli Function
1.11. Print, Message and File Handling Functions
1.11.1. Findfile Function
1.11.2. Open Function
1.11.3. Close Function
1.11.4. Read-line Function
1.11.5. Write-line Function
1.11.6. Princ Function
1.11.7. Prin1 Function
1.11.8. Print Function
1.11.9. Read-char Function
1.11.10. Write-char Function
1.11.11. Prompt Function
1.11.12. Alert Function
1.11.13. Terpri Function
1.11.14. Vl-directory-files Function
1.11.15. Vl-file-copy Function
1.11.16. Vl-file-delete Function
1.11.17. Vl-file-directory-p Function
1.11.18. Vl-file-rename Function
1.11.19. Vl-file-size Function
1.11.20. Vl-file-systime Function
1.11.21. Vl-filename-base Function
1.11.22. Vl-filename-directory Function
1.11.23. Vl-filename-extension Function
1.11.24. Vl-filename-mktemp Function
1.11.25. Vl-mkdir Function
1.11.26. Vl-princ-to-string Function
1.11.27. Vl-prin1-to-string Function
1.11.28. Sample Program Working With Files
1.12. AutoCAD Entity Access Functions
1.12.1. Entlast Function
1.12.2. Entnext Function
1.12.3. Entsel Function
1.12.4. Entdel Function
1.12.5. Entget Function
1.12.6. Entmake Function
1.12.7. Entmakex Function
1.12.8. Entmod Function
1.12.9. Entupd Function
1.12.10. Handent Function
1.12.11. Nentsel Function
1.12.12. Nentselp Function
1.12.13. Selection Sets
1.12.14. Ssget Function Complex Conditional Filters
1.12.15. Ssadd Function
1.12.16. Ssdel Function
1.12.17. Sslength Function
1.12.18. Ssmemb Function
1.12.19. Ssname Function
1.12.20. Ssnamex Function
1.12.21. Sssetfirst Function
1.12.22. Ssgetfirst Function
1.12.23. Sample Functions Working With Entities
1.13. Symbol Table Functions
1.13.1. Symbol Tables
1.13.2. Tblsearch Function
1.13.3. Tblnext Function
1.13.4. Tblobjname Function
1.13.5. Table Accesss Scheme
1.13.6. Setview Function
1.13.7. Snvalid Function
1.14. Extended Data Functions
1.14.1. Extended Data Structure
1.14.2. Regapp Function
1.14.3. Appending Extended Data
1.14.4. Xdsize Function
1.14.5. Xdroom Function VIEWPORT Entity
1.15. Dictionary and Xrecord Functions
1.15.1. Dictionaries
1.15.2. Namedobjdict Function
1.15.3. Dictsearch Function
1.15.4. Dictnext Function
1.15.5. Dictadd Function
1.15.6. Dictremove Function
1.15.7. Dictrename Function
1.15.8. Layoutlist Function
1.15.9. Xrecords and Filling-In Dictionaries
1.16. User Functions Creation
1.16.1. Lambda Function
1.16.2. Defun Function
1.16.3. Creating Additional AutoCAD Commands With User Functions
1.16.4. Defun-q Function
1.16.5. Defun-q-list-ref Function
1.16.6. Defun-q-list-set Function
1.16.7. Function Function
1.16.8. Vlisp-compile Function
1.16.9. Exit Function
1.16.10. Quit Function
1.16.11. *error* Function
1.16.12. Vl-acad-defun Function
1.16.13. Vl-acad-undefun Function
1.16.14. Vl-exit-with-error Function
1.16.15. Vl-exit-with-value Function
1.16.16. Atoms-family Function
1.16.17. Trace Function
1.16.18. Untrace Function
1.17. Functions Working With Memory, Applications and Windows Registry
1.17.1. Ver Function
1.17.2. Mem Function
1.17.3. Alloc Function
1.17.4. Expand Function
1.17.5. Gc Function
1.17.6. Vl-registry-read Function
1.17.7. Vl-registry-write Function
1.17.8. Vl-registry-delete Function
1.17.9. Vl-registry-descendents Function
1.17.10. Arx Function
1.17.11. Arxload Function
1.17.12. Arxunload Function
1.17.13. Autoload Function
1.17.14. Autoarxload Function
1.17.15. Vl-arx-import Function
1.17.16. Vl-doc-export Function
1.17.17. Vl-doc-import Function
1.17.18. Vl-list-exported-functions Function
1.17.19. Vl-list-loaded-vlx Function
1.17.20. Vl-vlx-loaded-p Function
1.17.21. Vl-unload-vlx Function
1.17.22. Vl-get-resource Function
1.17.23. Vl-vbaload Function
1.17.24. Vl-vbarun Function
1.17.25. Vl-bb-set Function
1.17.26. Vl-bb-ref Function
1.17.27. Vl-doc-set Function
1.17.28. Vl-doc-ref Function
1.17.29. Vl-load-all Function
1.17.30. Vl-propagate Function
1.17.31. Global and Local Variables
1.17.32. Namespaces
1.17.33. Multidocument Mode Problems
1.17.34. Startapp Function
1.18. Other Functions
1.18.1. Osnap Function
1.18.2. Redraw Function
1.18.3. Graphscr Function
1.18.4. Textscr Function
1.18.5. Textpage Function
1.18.6. Grtext Function
1.18.7. Grdraw Function
1.18.8. Grvecs Function
1.18.9. Grclear Function
1.18.10. Grread Function
1.18.11. Initdia Function
1.18.12. Tablet Function
1.18.13. Acad-push-dbmod Function
1.18.14. Acad-pop-dbmod Function
1.18.15. Acdimenableupdate Function
1.18.16. Acet-layerp-mode Function
1.18.17. Acet-layerp-mark Function
1.18.18. Acet-laytrans Function
1.18.19. Acet-ms-to-ps Function
1.18.20. Acet-ps-to-ms Function
1.19. Autoloading User Functions
1.19.1. Acad.lsp File
1.19.1. Acaddoc.lsp File
1.19.1. ACADLSPASDOC System Variable
1.19.1. S::startup Function

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