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26.05.23. Conference C3D Days 2023 (St.Petersburg, 25-26.05.23). 17.11.22. CAD Petersburg 2022 Conference. Import substitution in shipbuilding. 08.11.22. nanoCAD developers conference. Report "Solving applied task: constructive and technological preparation of manufacture on the basis of N-Ship+ system". 17.08.22. Autodesk will liquidate the Russian legal entity and dismiss employees (Kommersant). 03.06.22. Build 6122 for Platform nanoCAD v22. 31.12.21. New nanoCAD v22 (Russian). 30.12.21. New prices for B-Ship+ since 1.01.22. 25.03.21. AutoCAD 2022. 15.11.20. B-Nesting. Action for 15.11.20-15.03.21. 15.06.20. Update of B-Ship+ documentation (English). 10.03.20. B-Ship+ general description (PDF, English). 30.10.19. "CAD Petersburg 2019" conference. Report N-Ship+ & B-Ship+, a line of import substitution products for shipbuilding (Russian). 14.10.19. The book "AutoCAD - Self-Teacher". Covers versions with numbers 2015 and greater. 10.07.19. "Shipyard CAD/CAM System based on nanoCAD and BricsCAD" (report by N.Poleshchuk at the Morintech-Practic 2019 conference). 27.03.19. AutoCAD 2020 appeared (download trial version). 22.02.19. The book "AutoCAD - Self-Teacher" given to editors. 21.01.19. B-Ship+ is a third-party appplication for BricsCAD (Russian). 20.08.18. Mdet included into B-Ship+. 25.05.18. nanoCAD API blog: Extension of the menu functionality in nanoCAD 8.5: macros and LISP expressions. 15.05.18. nanoCAD API blog: nanoCAD 8.5 – New LISP Features. 22.03.18. AutoCAD 2019. New features (download free trial). 18.03.18. Inside Bricsys: Interviewing the creator of BLADE – the new Visual LISP IDE in BricsCAD V18.2. 14.03.18. nanoCAD API blog: Customizing the User Interface When Installing Apps for nanoCAD Plus 8.5. 31.08.17. Nesting included into B-Ship+. 28.03.17. The book "AutoCAD 2017 - Self-Teacher" was issued. 21.03.17. AutoCAD 2018 appeared (download trial version). 12.02.17. Cover of the book "AutoCAD 2017 - Self-Teacher". 02.02.17. Interview with M.Belilovskiy (Rus, 35 years of AutoCAD). 31.01.17. On the website of Nanosoft one can buy "Way to nanoCAD" (Rus) for 700 rbls including shipping inside Russia. 24.01.17. The book "Way to nanoCAD" (Rus) appeared. 13.12.16. On December 8, 2016 the author of the story Mysteries of Autodesk's Caves passed away. See article on Andrey Lazebny at 20.05.16. Download AutoCAD 2017 Eng. 21.03.15. AutoCAD 2017 is here! See news from JTB World. 18.02.16. Some new misprints were found by V.Pavlov in the book "AutoLISP and Visual LISP Inside AutoCAD" (Russian). 27.01.15. The book "AutoCAD 2016 - Self-Teacher" appeared. 01.01.16. Autodesk Authorized Author logos are discontinued by Autodesk. 25.12.15. Cover of the book "AutoCAD 2016 - Self-Teacher". 04.12.15. Contents of the book "AutoCAD 2016 - Self-Teacher". 22.10.15. Revisited: visibility-add-eng.lsp for multiple visibility states can work in AutoCAD 2016. 08.06.15. Page of the Ritm-Ship system (Russian) was updated. 30.03.15. The book "AutoCAD 2015 - Self-Teacher" appeared. 23.03.15. AutoCAD 2016 is here! See news from Lynn Allen. 16.01.15. Contents of the prepared book "AutoCAD 2015 - Self-Teacher". 25.11.14. Discussion of "Programming AutoCAD 2013-2015" was opened in Russian at 25.09.14. Sample files (Russian) to the book "Programming AutoCAD 2013-2015". 22.09.14. The book "Programming AutoCAD 2013-2015" appeared. 05.09.14. While the book "Programming AutoCAD 2013-2015" is being printed it can be ordered with 20% discount. One can buy the book on October 1-2 in Moscow at Autodesk University Russia 2014, on the desk of DMK Press. 21.08.14. The book "Programming AutoCAD 2013-2015" is given to publisher. 22.06.14. R-Ship+ system description. 04.06.14. Ritm-Ship system support will be cancelled. 25.04.14. Russian AutoCAD 2015 installation package is available. 15.04.14. R-Ship+ system obtained state registration in Russia. 27.03.14. AutoCAD 2015 appeared. 17.12.13. The book "AutoCAD 2014 - Self-Teacher" appeared. 15.07.13. Registration to Autodesk University Russia 2013 is open (AU will be held in Moscow, on October 2-3, 2013). 06.07.13. The Russian segment of ADN Open has been created. 28.03.13. Support of JavaScript, VBA 7.1 and other news about API for AutoCAD 2014. 27.03.13. AutoCAD 2014 appeared. 10.11.12. Video of my report "AutoCAD: intelligent objects" (Russian) at Autodesk University Russia. October 3, 2012. (YouTube). 15.10.12. English version of presentation to my report "AutoCAD: intelligent objects". Format: Power Point 2003, size: 2.4 MB. 06.10.12. Russian version of presentation to my report "AutoCAD: intelligent objects", delivered at Autodesk University Russia on October 3, 2012, from 12.30 till 13.00. Format: Power Point 2003, size: 2.4 MB. 02.10.12. The book "AutoCAD 2013 - Self-Teacher" appeared. 20.08.12. Schedule of Autodesk University Russia 2012 is published. My class: "AutoCAD: intelligent objects" (section "AutoCAD 100%"). 01.08.12. Registration to Autodesk University Russia 2012 (Moscow, October 3-4) is open. 06.06.12. Meeting in Autodesk office (San Francisco). 19.05.12. ObjectARX 2013 Wizard appeared. 30.04.12. AutoCAD 2013 has 13 language packs. 28.03.12. AutoCAD 2013 appeared! 24.02.12. Some features of AutoCAD 2013 in Lynn Allen's blog. 23.02.12. Download trial versions of Autodesk products. 12.01.12. Autodesk Authorized Developer 2012. 23.12.11. The book "AutoCAD 2012 - In Origin" appeared. 13.11.11. The 2nd edition of "LSU Math-Mech, the 60ths and Not Only" was issued (Russian, reminiscences of graduates and professors of the Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) State University, department of mathematics and mechanics). 06.10.11. Autodesk Authorized Developer 2011. 15.09.11. Some new misprints were found by A.Chirkov and A.Skulachev in the books "AutoLISP and Visual LISP Inside AutoCAD" and "Visual LISP and AutoCAD customization secrets" (Russian). 05.09.10. The book "AutoCAD 2012 - Self-Teacher" appeared. 29.06.11. Training on Autodesk Inventor 2011. 27.06.11. Autodesk User Community conference in St.Petersburg. 07.06.11. Test drive on Model Studio CS by CSoft Development. 31.05.11. On June 27 there will be St.Petersburg meeting of the Autodesk Users Community (to register). 23.05.11. The first issue of the Autodesk Community Magazine appeared (in Russian). 17.04.11. Russian version of AutoCAD 2012 has appeared. Installation disk includes Inventor Fusion 2012 in Russian. 22.03.11. Autodesk declared AutoCAD 2012. See features of new version. 07.03.11. You can use AutoCAD on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. 25.02.11. AutoCAD reaches MAC computers. 10.12.10. Facebook badge added. 26.10.10. The book "AutoCAD 2011 - In Origin" appeared. 20.09.10. Coming training: 3D modeling of complex products in shipbuilding, machinery and architecture, creation of design and technological documentation using modern information technologies (with AutoCAD 2011). 15.09.10. Training on AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 API 14-15.09 in Saint Petersburg. 21.07.10. The book "AutoCAD 2011 - Self-Teacher" appeared. 25.03.10. R.Green. AutoCAD 2011: A Look at What's New. 14.03.10. Autodesk Authorized Developer. 11.02.10. New version of A.Lazebny's programs visibility-add-rus.lsp, visibility-add-eng.lsp, move-properties-rus.lsp and move-properties-eng.lsp (v 1.4). 10.02.10. Article "The AcCmColor Class". 07.02.10. Wizard problems arising in creation of a new managed application (C# or VB.NET) for AutoCAD 2010. 02.02.10. New color for AAA and AAI logos. 09.01.10. Article "Transparent Splash Screen as a Modeless Dialog (C#)". 03.01.10. Site visits statistics for 2009. News archive >> |