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A.Lazebny. Mysteries of Autodesk's Caves

Part 10. Cottage having neither windows nor doors

Dear Messrs tourists and pretending to be them, let us together move to blockeditor space and solve a very important task. Choose some parameter, grip or activator and try to find mapping to this object in the room ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH. What for? To be able create such incantations that would process some required actions with these parameters, grips and activators. Do you remeber what I wrote earlier?

If one opens an entity with the entget function in block editor space then code -1 will be similar to codes 331 and 332 in this dictionary. Codes 360 of functions in the ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH dictionary are equal to codes 333 in the BLOCKVISIBILITYPARAMETER dictionary.

Ah, I have forgotten! Children, if you pronounce (entget (car (entsel))) in block editor space and hit your hand-made production (parameters were not made by you but by castle and do not hit them), then to be opened will have the same number that the doors in the BLOCKVISIBILITYPARAMETER room.
And if we pronounce this incantation and hit some parameter, grop or activator then we will get:
((-1 . <Entity name: 7ef97118>))
- unpretentious room where find nothing. We can convert this door to vla-door and look at properties and methods but we will reach nothing. We won't answer the question "how to know the door number corresponding to this parameter in ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH?". Better to say, it is not absolutely so. Parameters and activators have names. By names you can find room name in the doors list of ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH. Next you can watch links from codes 92 and calculate grips and activators, but it very laborious - like to put on trousers over the head.
What, you did not try to put on trousers over the head? Try indeed. It will enrich yor experience and enlarge your vocabulary.

We will pass to other path. Well! In rhyme! We'll gather all the elements including parameters, grips and activators into a common heap with the help of incantation (ssget "_X") and form a list of gathered objects for providing exclusion of those elements that after (entget (car (entsel)) reply with a list having more than 1 pair. (All the text will be presented in my collection of works).

And we will also come into the ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH room and there make up a list of all the doors to dynamic parameters so that in the list there would be no room numbers pointing to position and the first door would be the first in the list. Usually shamans do so: (setq la-la-la (append la-la-la (list tru-la-la))), and list will be have an opposite order. You should either gather in a right manner: (setq la-la-la (append (list tru-la-la) la-la-la)), or use shamanism: (setq la-la-la (reverse la-la-la)). It is very important! Because you will get such a list that is identical to the list created from the gathered heap in block editor space! What is there on the first place is on the first place here? what is on the second is on the second and so on.

As soon as you move pair 91 with record number in the ACAD_EVALUATION_GRAPH room then at once in block editor space a set is being created with modified position. Moved there - relocated here.
Strictly speaking, it's all.

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